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Business Owner's Road to Success

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How to Drive Massive Profits

I'm going to provide you with an explanation of each of the steps that make up the Business Owner's Road to Success. Plus, I will show you how they all work together, and finally, share with you how you can quickly and easily put this plan together and have these elements start super-charging your business.


Let me highlight the benefits of using the BORS (Business Owners Road to Success) to market your business, it:
  • Allows you to measure the effectiveness of all paid advertising accurately

  • Maximizes your advertising budget better than any other marketing method

  • It saves you time. Your marketing message is fine-tuned and dialed-in

  • Establishes you as the go-to source in your market for your products and services

  • Creates a database that allows you to turn on revenue sources like a faucet as your business grows

  • Provides a 24/7 marketing channel that provides the exact selling message you want every time

  • Expands your sales beyond your existing area without expansion


So, in other words, this is something you should be implementing into your business… NOW!

Breaking Down the BORS - Business Owner's Road to Success

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Understand that there are five phases to this plan, you do not need to have everything in place from day one, but this is an outline to follow if you're looking to maximize your profits.
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Phase #1 - Traffic Sources

Here, we have SEO, Paid Traffic, Social Media, and GMB (Google my Business), which is off to the side for a reason. Here's everything you need to turn your GMB profile into a customer-generating machine.


Google My Business is a free service offered by Google, and it's something that every business must take advantage of and optimize, and you will get countless benefits from this effort! Learn everything you need to know about setting up a customer-driving GMB profile.

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Google MY Business = Profits! 👍🏼

The following two traffic sources are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Social Media. Both can be done without any expense, and both will drive traffic once they are implemented. SEO is a fancy term for making sure the content on your website is desirable and found by search engines, primarily Google and Bing.


If Google knows your location and you provide quality content on your website that helps your customers, your content will rank with the search engines.


Now, before people get mad at me, yes, there's lots more to SEO, and the competitiveness of your marketplace also plays a role, but to begin, this should be your first step, and you can build on this as you go forward.


Social media can be effective, but it can also be very labor intensive without providing much. You should have a presence on Facebook, and if your customer base skews younger, consider Instagram as well. If your demographics skew female, Pinterest is also a great resource. As you grow, social media becomes more critical and will provide a more significant impact, more on that later.


Last but not least, there's paid traffic. There are loads of options here, but the best place to start is Google Search Ads, and I strongly suggest you use my Micro Marketing approach. It will accurately track the money you spend and avoid wasting large chunks of your advertising budget.

Phase #2 - Landing Page

Where You're Driving Traffic & Where the Magic Happens

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Here's where you're going to discover the BORS secret sauce!


Most of your traffic and all of your paid traffic is directed not to your website but to a Landing Page. A Landing Page is just that, a page that your traffic source lands on prior to moving to the Bridge Page, which is where you start establishing your relationship prior to moving them into the heart of your website.

Note: the Bridge Page can be on your website, but the important thing is this page delivers what you've promised on the the Landing page. 


Why Have Extra Steps?


Great question, and something fantastic happens on through the Landing and Bridge Pages. You will offer visitors a Lead or Sales Magnet in exchange for the opportunity to have their contact information (email or phone number, address, or all of these).

Need to Buy Now

What's a Lead Magnet?

A Lead magnet is a selling tool you create that starts the selling process while attracting potential new customers. A Lead Magnet can be any or all of the following:

  • Sales Materials

  • White Pages - a collection of data or information

  • eBooks - another form of dispensing information

  • Phone Consultations

  • In-person Consultations

  • Webinars

  • Access to Videos

  • Access to Audios

  • Guides

  • Training Sessions

  • Discounts or Coupons

  • Software

  • Quizzes or Surveys

  • Assessments or Tests

  • Case Studies

  • Workbooks

  • eMail Courses

  • Cheatsheets - another type of information product

  • Templates

  • Access to a Private Group - easily done on Facebook

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A lead magnet and the content it contains can be just about anything, and the only constraint is your imagination. Keep in mind you will almost always provide this Lead Magnet to potential customers for free.


It would be best to view this Lead Magnet as an opportunity to begin the sales process with a potential automatically available 24/7 and providing the perfect initial messaging to a potential customer.


In other words, it ensures your relationship with this new customer starts on the right foot whenever they want to initiate communication.

Build a Lead Magnet & Landing Page in 5 to 10 Minutes

For the average business owner, this seems like an enormous task, but it's not!
With a little structure and the right tools you can have this entire system up and running in ten minutes... or less!

For the average business owner, building a lead magnet or a landing page seems like a ton of work, but I am going to share two tools I use regularly, and with these tools, you can have your landing page, and lead magnet made and ready to go in five minutes or less!


Let's talk about the tool that creates the sales magnet or lead magnet, it's called Designrr, and it's able to take already created content and put it into a beautiful, easy-to-use format that the time it takes you to copy click.


They give you loads of templates to use, they are entirely customizable, and it's created with copy and paste, a couple of clicks, and you are done!


You've got a beautiful eBook that can have links to a table of contents, and it's designed to inform the customer while positioning your business as the go-to for this product or service.


If you have not done so yet, I strongly encourage you to read and take the time to create your IPA for your business.


In short, as it relates to your lead magnet, the IPA helps you quickly create a document that clearly and concisely lets a potential customer know what you do, what's special/unique about your business, and who's going to be interested in your products or services.


This is a one-time marketing effort that will guide you in all aspects of marketing, including answering the phone, signage, advertisements, and sales messaging.


A small business owner can make an enormous mistake spending money advertising their business and using non-consistent messaging. A large percentage of companies do this, and they are spending money to confuse people.


You can make this as extensive as you'd like, but I suggest keeping it simple and not too broad. Here's a tree-top outline:

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Now, let me show how easy this is to put into application. This example uses a hardware store to create a lead magnet for BBQ grills. During the IPA, you already have established what you do. You represent three of the premier BBQ grill manufacturers.


You help your customers reach new culinary heights in their backyard. You've got the 'what you do' covered. Now, you have to choose three models you want to highlight in your lead magnet based on their attractiveness to potential customers.


You quickly get pictures, content including features and benefits from the manufacturer's websites.


Then, talk about guarantees, free delivery, service and cleaning options, etc. How you 'enhance things.' Now, share industry knowledge. It could be why you specifically only represent these three manufacturers.


These are 'things they need to know,' and you can weave in 'problems they could encounter' if they buy inferior products.

Finally, share with them the steps to getting the product or service, if there's a recommended lead time, things to consider before taking delivery, and how you are there to ensure things run smoothly.

Learn More About Designrr

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If a hardware store creates this type of lead magnet, they will sell a boatload of BBQs!


And, using Designrr, it happens in about two minutes! You incorporate your IPA information into all your marketing, you leverage the sales materials from your manufacturers, you share the information that's part of the typical in-person sales process along with helpful information.


Someone who sells BBQs will not have a hard time putting this information together. You should be using it all day, every day.


I've used Designrr for years, and I love it! And, you can use it to share loads of sales-related materials effortlessly. Plus, through this link, you can gain access to Designrr for life, for a one-time payment of only $27.00, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.


I can't imagine a single business that wouldn't benefit from Designrr, restaurants, healthcare and legal services, retail stores, and online shops.


Everyone will benefit from creating informative eBooks and documents that are attractive and helpful to consumers, and this link gives you access to Designrr at the lowest possible price!


Now that you've put together your Lead Magnet, let's set up an easy way to share this 24/7 sales-generating tool.

Landing Page - Powerful Software that's Easy to Use

With a Bridge Page, you will attract customers and put them into a sales funnel. Now, this is not nearly as complicated as it might seem. Just hang in with me for a minute. Here's a visual of the process:

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It starts with a bridge page that explains what your sales magnet is and why they must have it. You will ask for their email or other personal information and automatically deliver the sale magnet through an autoresponder.


Then, you will send them additional emails providing greater information about your products, services, and business. Once a day, once every other day, once a week, you will adjust this based on your market and test to find the optimal delivery sequence.


Now, if you're telling me, Trip, I have no idea how to do this, don't worry!


Let me introduce you to Systeme, a powerful software I use constantly! I love this software because:

  • It offers a mind-blowing combination of features

  • It's free to use

No, that's not a typo. You can set it up and use it for free!


Down the road, after you've had thousands of sales magnet downloads, you may need to upgrade to a paid version of the software, and that can be as little as $27.00 per month.


In other words, you will have made thousands and thousands of dollars before you even need to think about spending a small amount of money on this 24/7 sales machine!


Oh, and this is only the tip of the iceberg!


Loads more features come with Systeme, and I constantly share new ways to make money on Systeme.


To ensure you don't have to pay anything for Systeme and that you get all of the free additional products I give away, click here.

Learn More About

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Phase #3 - Website

Having a website is critical as a business owner, and thankfully, it’s never been easier to have one. Let me share with you a couple of options. Know that you don’t need to have an enormous website with every bell and whistle. For many businesses, a simple website that provides the following:

  • Who

  • What

  • Where

  • When

  • How


It is all you need. But, let’s take a quick look at the options you have and decide what’s best for you now in your business.


Google My Business Website


When you create your Google My Business website, you have the option of having a simple website developed in conjunction with this Google listing. You can start building this simple website in the same dashboard:

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A GMB website is the most basic site, but it’s still a website that allows you to have a presence. This is a single-page website that’s self-populating based on the content you and your customers put in the GMB listing.


Your GMB website will automatically populate with your Google reviews, and it’s also optimized for local search. This free website comes in your Google my Business listing function.


If you are willing to spend a shockingly small amount of money and put in a minimal amount of work, you can have a spectacular website that offers you loads of functionality and can be built out as your business grows.

Systeme an All in One Tool

Systeme is an incredible piece of software that puts a fantastic array of tools and features, including a website, all into one easy-to-use platform.

With Systeme, you can have a website and a blog, along with other valuable features like bridge pages, autoresponder, email marketing. It’s a fantastic product that’s an integral part of my business.

I generally don’t use the website portion of the software, but I love the other features. To learn more about Systeme and how to use it for free, click here.

An Incredible Tool for Website Building... Anyone Can Do It


Let me share with you a relatively new and exciting website building option. It ticks a lot of crucial boxes. It’s easy to use, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), comes with lots of pre-made templates meaning you can have a beautiful website up and running in an hour or so. It is that easy.


Another significant part of ZYRO is it can grow with you. Whether that means your business grows and offers more services or products, or your desire to have a more robust website grows, the features are available on ZYRO.

ZYRO is software loaded with fantastic features, straightforward to use, and remarkably affordable; that’s why I am such a big fan!

Phase #4 - eCommerce

There was a time when eCommerce operated on the fringe, but those days are gone! eCommerce is the buying and selling of goods or services over the internet.

Anyone who’s running a business should have an eCommerce element.

Not sure if this applies to you, it does!

If you sell a product or products, sell more online.

If you’re a restaurant, sell a sauce, package a dish and sell it. Not sure you’re ready to jump into the digital age? Are you an old fashion restaurant? Well, Peter Luger’s Steakhouse opened in 1887, and they sell their steak sauce on their website.

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Now, there’s another part of eCommerce you should explore: affiliate marketing. You can earn a commission marketing another company’s products or services with affiliate marketing.

I do that here on this website. Some companies offer me a commission because I share how and why I use their products or services. Affiliate Marketing can fit into any business, but I strongly recommend you take the same approach I do:

  • Only promote products for companies that pay you the commission, not the customer. I make sure my referrals are for the lowest possible price.

  • Recommend products you use and believe in

  • Provide value to people based on your experience using the product or service


Do you have a service business? You can still increase your revenue by leveraging eCommerce. Here are some ideas off the top of my head:

  • Health & Fitness - sell eBooks, Online Classes, Memberships, affiliate marketing - this can include supplements, training videos, classes, access to you, to name a few.

  • Doctors and Attorneys - you can provide knowledge using the same variety of methods above, and you could give virtual services.


Not sure your service business can take advantage of eCommerce? I’ve owned a driving school for years, and I’ve had an eComm component that’s always been profitable!

You need to be a bit creative sometimes, but this is a build-it once, and it generates sales for years. I’ve regularly had eComm sales and have not needed to do a thing for my product for years!

The bottom line, if you don’t implement an eComm component into your business, you’re leaving money on the table!

Last but certainly not least, this process should conclude with people visiting your locale to purchase products or services.

Like a chain, this sales process is only as strong as its weakest link. There is nothing worse than spending time and money to bring someone into your business, only for them not to have the expected experience.

So, make sure throughout the sales process you accurately describe products, services, processes, etc. The goal is not just to meet that person’s expectations but surpass them!

Phase #5 - Your Locale

Last, but not least, you need to make sure your physical location reflects the portrait you've created online. 

The look and feel of your online presence must match.

Of course, the products and services you've marketed must be as described, and promises and statements online must be delivered when the consumer takes out their wallet... or all of this is for naught!

Action Steps

1 - Your Business Website

Every business needs a website, I strongly suggest to you take a couple of hours and build your Company's website with ZYRO - Click here now to 20% off for using my link!

If you're just not up to it at this moment, do take the 15-minutes and go into Google My Business and put up the free GMB website, something is better than nothing! Here's everything you need to know about GMB!

Remember, your GMB listing is a great source for web traffic!

2 - Set Up Your Bridge Page

This only takes about 2-minutes, you're going to use SYSTEME and with this link you can use it for free!

3 - Lead Magnet

Now, using the information you have on your website, and the information you've created to market you business and products you can quickly create a Lead Magnet using Designrr - it takes about 3 minutes!

And, using this link you can use Designrr forever for just one small payment of $27.00 using this link - Click Here

Now, with your Bridge Page and you Lead Magnet in place you have a 24/7 targeted sales machine working!

4 - Send Traffic

This is the time to start advertising your business, and remember, you're going to send them to your Bridge Page, and from there you will be delivering your Lead Magnet and sending them to your website.

Here's how you advertise your business while getting the most bang for your buck!

5 - Sales

Now that your 24/7 sales machine's working, you will be driving people into your business, or whatever's your typical sales process. 

But, it's important for you to also install an eCommerce portion to your business.

There's no additional tools or costs needed. Especially if you're using a combination of ZYRO and Systeme!

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